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Bob Harmon

Eggshell Lighting
Hawaii National Bank is very people forward. Any of the branches I walk into, somebody knows me.

About the Entrepreneur

It was 1974, and 16-year-old Bob Harmon was enjoying life in Kailua, Oahu and showing his friends old films for fun. When an acquaintance happened to ask Harmon if he’d ever worked with lighting before, he immediately said yes, and booked his first job that very weekend.
After lighting his first concert for 3,000 people, Harmon has never looked back. His boutique production company – Eggshell Lighting – took off, providing lighting and visual production for everything from small weddings to large concerts. Fifty years later, Harmon still loves the way a change in lighting can affect audiences, lifting their moods and overall providing the background of great moments in people’s lives.

More with Bob

Tell me what you do in the lighting business.

We don’t just do concerts, but it certainly dominates. We also do entertainment when it crosses with television. We do fashion shows, product releases, corporate events, and weddings. The coolest thing is, for every client it’s the most important thing they’re doing, and they invite us to the party. That’s pretty special.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned over the past 50 years?

To plan ahead. You can get really lost in what has to be done this week, and then you’ll make a mistake two weeks down the road. You also have to be careful that being too busy doesn’t preclude you from answering requests for future events. It’s cocky to presume they are going to wait for you.

What have you liked about banking with Hawaii National Bank?

Hawaii National has been there since the beginning. I started my first account with them close to 50 years ago. They’re a small bank in some sense, but at the same time, I like the fact that they know my name. They’ve been really good to me.

What might people not know about what it’s like to work with Hawaii National Bank?

The people are really just very friendly. Even people who work for me that bank with Hawaii National say how unusual it is to have a bank greet you by name.

What’s one of the most memorable shows you’ve ever worked?

When I was quite young, my first arena show was Kiss, and they wanted to go to the beach. So, I followed their lead. And shirtless and barefoot with sand still on them, we stepped on stage to set up the equipment.
Eggshell Lighting is a really forward-moving company, and I don’t believe it will end with me. The future is around the corner.
Bob Harmon
Eggshell Lighting

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